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Tails are not for Pulling Board Book

RRP - $19.05   Our Price - $18.14  Board book
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Elizabeth Verdick

  • Tails are not for Pulling Board Book

24 pages
Interest Age: 1 to 4
ISBN: 9781575421803

Pets may not have words, but they can communicate. Paying attention to an animal's cues; a joyful bark, a scary growl, a swhishing tail; can help a child understand what the animal is saying and what an appropriate response might be. That's part of what this book is about. But mostly it's about showing children how to love pets gently: because pets are for loving, after all.

Toddlers and pets belong together—as long as toddlers don’t chase, grab, squeeze, yank, and tease. In simple words and delightful illustrations, this book teaches the basics of kindness to animals: careful handling, awareness, safety, and respect. It also includes helpful tips for parents and caregivers.

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img_726Tails are not for Pulling Board Book
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